Optimus Enterprise, a seasoned player in the home comfort and seasonal product industry since 1972, offers an extensive array of fans, heaters, humidifiers, and grooming products to cater to diverse customer needs. With a wide variety of styles and options, their lineup ensures plenty of choices for consumers. Optimus is committed to shipping innovative, quality products on time, backed by factory and supply chain support teams. They maintain a "never out of stock" program, ensuring a safety supply of stock on hand whenever possible. Petra Industries proudly serves as the wholesale distributor of Optimus Enterprise products. From fans ideal for breezy springs and cool summers to heaters and humidifiers for comfortable falls and cozy winters, Optimus has products designed to enhance living spaces year-round. Additionally, their range of shavers and multi-stylers offers convenient grooming solutions with features like self-sharpening blades and multiple interchangeable heads for a versatile grooming experience.