ATREND IS The world’s leading manufacturer of sub boxes for cars, trucks, and power sports vehicles

Atrend USA leads the market in subwoofer enclosures, setting trends and surpassing expectations with their meticulously engineered products. From design to delivery, Atrend enclosures undergo rigorous testing to ensure superior sound quality and precise engineering, reflecting the company's dedication to creating happiness through music. With a focus on efficient manufacturing processes and a skilled workforce, Atrend guarantees high-quality results that elevate the listening experience. Petra Industries proudly serves as your wholesale distributor of Atrend enclosures, offering both Atrend and BBox branded subwoofer enclosures to meet various needs. Atrend-branded boxes, crafted with USA-sourced raw materials and manufactured in Chicago, represent the premium-quality series, while BBox offers high-quality import line options. Whether it's vehicle-specific enclosures or generic designs, Atrend ensures that every customer can find the perfect solution to let the music move them.
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Part No.: 159522
Vendor SKU: 6X9PR
Retail Price: $25.20

Part No.: 291150
Vendor SKU: 12AME
Retail Price: $79.99